Peak Fitness and
the Electric Physique
What is 'fitness'?
Peak fitness...what does it mean? When I was in special forces I would have been described as extremely fit and healthy. Our training consisted of running various distances with a variety of weights (backpacks, webbing, rifle, etc). I was aerobically fit and my body could carry around two thirds of my body weight in a pack on my back for long distances.
I could climb ropes and complete obstacle courses but all I was 'fit' for was doing these things. I wasn't 'strong' and I didn't have a body I was proud of. In the process I also put my body under immense strain, which, as with most special forces people, resulted in long-term injuries. In my case, my back. That certainly wasn't healthy.

I was quite proud of my level of 'fitness' but my thinking has evolved since those years. We were trained for a specific purpose, to conduct operations that involved carrying large amounts of equipment over long distances in hostile territory to enable us to inflict damage on the enemy, if need be. Our 'fitness' training evolved to carry out this task but was it peak fitness?.
I suspect Buckminster Fuller summed it up when he said:
"Specialisation is for insects"
Human bodies are meant to be able to carry out a wide variety of tasks to enable us to survive.
As hunter-gatherers, we had to survive in sometimes harsh terrain, and demanding conditions. For this we needed to be at peak fitness and not just in our youth. We needed to be able to climb, jump, sprint, weave, lift, carry, throw, chop, fight, swim, and a host of other activities to fulfill the requirements for daily survival and later in life as well.
Our 'fitness' was multifaceted because it had to be. Fitness...more than just words, without it we would have died quickly in a hostile environment.
Today we have marathoners who are 'fit' for marathons and weight lifters who are 'fit' for weightlifting because most modern training programmes reflect the specialisation that Fuller decries above. However their health often leaves something to be desired.
My friend Mannie won 'Mr Fitness Universe'. He was 'fit' for body building contests till he died at 61 from a heart attack;
Mel Siff, the famous weight trainer, was fit for weight lifting till his heart attack;
Jim Fix, a well-known author on running was 'fit' for running till he collapsed and died on a run.
Nathan Pritikin, founder of the Pritikin Diet, was fit for walking and free from heart disease when Leukemia killed him; even my commanding officer in the army had a stroke in his forties and I would have described him as having peak fitness...the list goes on.
Were they 'fit'? Definitely! (in a narrow sense of the word). Were they healthy? No! Did they have peak fitness. Not if your definition of peak fitness includes health and longevity.
Fitness should be multifaceted and allow you to not only achieve a great variety of physical outcomes but achieve it free from disease into advanced age.
Fitness generally enables you to do some kind of aerobic work or lift weights or play a sport (or a combination of all three) and that is as far as it goes but my concept of the electric physique should enable you to:
- Overcome physical challenges throughout life
- Attract a variety of mates
- Increase your self esteem
- Maintain a superior level of health into old age with minimal disease
- Minimise the ageing process itself
- Be admired by both sexes
- Exude vitality
There are only five components to the Electric Physique. They are: Health, Fitness, Diet, Attraction, Lifestyle.
Sounds simple but each one is complex and the truth about each is probably different from what you believe right now.
So 'choose the red pill Neo' and venture into some uncharted territory.
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